
Monday, January 6, 2014

Free Chevron Scarf Pattern

Fact: I never called chevrons "chevrons" until the internet informed me sometime last year that I was doing it wrong. So I still will forever mentally refer to them as "zig-zags."

But that's beside the point-- I have something exciting to share! Behold:

Free Chevron Scarf Pattern

I made a thing. A nice, stripey, zig-zaggy thing. [and sorry for the blurry photo!]

I made this scarf for my sister-in-law for Christmas this year because she lives in the mountains and that means that scarves are ALWAYS relevant. I had originally searched Pinterest for some sort of pattern, but did not really fall in love with any of the patterns that I came across, so I decided to create my own--

Free Chevron Scarf Pattern

Look at those ripples, man. Mmmhmm.
I'm not the most expert at creating my own patterns since I have not been crocheting for that long, but I mentally adapted a pattern that I use all the time to make afghans, and voila! We have achieved scarf!

Free Chevron Scarf Pattern

Though to be perfectly honest, I'm kind of wishing that I had made one for myself right about now. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE -50 degree windchills as much as the next person... but.. yeah. A cozy scarf could really hit the spot right now.

Free Chevron Scarf Pattern

Care to make one for yourself? AWESOME. Because I've got the pattern right here! Fo free, yo!
Now, I've never written a pattern before, so I hope this make sense:

Chevron Scarf

I used two skeins to Caron Simply Soft yarn and a size I hook.

Ch 57

Row 1: 1sc in 2nd chain from hook, 1sc in next ch, skip 1 ch. *1sc in next 5 chs, 3sc in next ch, 1sc in next 5 ch, skip 2ch. Repeat from * 3 times until there are 3 ch left. Skip 1 ch, 1sc in last 2 ch, ch1 and turn.

Row 2: Through both loops, 1sc in 2nd st from hook, 1sc in next st, skip 1 st. *Working in front loops, 1sc in next 5 sts, 3sc in next st, 1 sc in next 5 sts, skip 2 sts. Repeat from * 3 times. Skip 1 ch, 1sc through both loops of last 2 sts. ch1 and turn.

Repeat row 2 until scarf reaches desired length, switching colors as needed. Then fit chevrons together and sew or crochet together to make a closed loop (you'll have to turn one half of the scarf over to match up the zig-zags correctly).

And that's it! Again, I hope that it makes sense, but if you encounter any problems, please let me know! I'm a total novice at pattern writing, so I wouldn't be surprised if it has a few snags haha. Also, I'd love to see pictures if anyone decides to make one for themselves!

Linkin' up:
x x x


  1. Ooo GURL. Imma be crankin' one of these babes out fo sho!! Because since I'm working on a giant ripple afghan, I'm not at all burned out on dat mountain stitch. That may have sounded sarcastic, but it wasn't supposed to. Heh. Great pattern!! So excited to try it!! I'm pinning this for EVERYONE TO SEE.

    1. Aw thanks! It makes me super happy and humble that you would like a pattern I did, since we all know you are the fibers wizard :] But if you do make one I WANNA SEE.

  2. Thanks for the great pattern, I may give it a go (when I've finished the 4 projects I have on the go at the moment! but that's what pinterest is for) And I agree, definitely zig zags. (but then I also say Oblong instead of Rectangle so what do I know!)

  3. Hi!

    One of my friends is willing to make a scarf for me and I absolutely adore this!! How much yarn should I buy? I really like the look in your pictures; it seems very cozy but not claustrophobic.

    Thank you!

    1. Well hello!

      Good question! I used two skeins of yarn, but I don't think that I actually used all of each skein. Also, the brand of yarn I used was Caron Simply Soft which I personally love cause it feels super nice. I hope that helps!

  4. Replies
    1. I was wondering the same thing. I'm gonna go with I (5.5mm) and see how that turns out

    2. Good question! I'm sorry that I forgot to include it! It was a size I hook.

  5. Great pattern, I think I may make this for my son's girlfriend for Christmas

  6. Can you tell me how long you made yours approximately before you sewed it together?

    1. I'm not exactly sure but I would guess about 5 ft. What I really did was measure it against my own neck until it hung comfortably for me.

  7. Does this loop around twice or just one single loop??

  8. What is the finished size as shown in the picture?

    1. It loops around twice, so around 5 feet in length before it is sewn together.

  9. I am going to try and make mine 60 inches long and see if that loops twice. It looks like it's more than one loop to me.

    1. Yes, you are correct-- it loops around twice. 60 inches seems like a perfect length.

  10. Can you tell me how many rows you did before switching colors?

  11. Great pattern! I was wondering what your finished width was from the ch57. I got the 60" in length, just wanted to know the width. Thanks!

    1. I'm not perfectly sure, but I'm pretty sure that it was about a foot wide. Really, the wider the better because that just makes it cozier :]

  12. I would also like to know the width of the rows. I'm using a bulkier yarn and want to make sure it's not too wide. Thanks!

  13. I Love this pattern! I am currently making one for my daughter! Thank you so much for sharing this pattern! Where did you find the original pattern for the afghan? I would love to make a afghan using this patter!

    1. That's so cool that you're making it for your daughter! I hope she likes it! If I can find the original afghan pattern, I'd be more than happy to post it for you :]

  14. I'm making one of these for myself at the minute, and my sister loves it so she's ordering me some bright rainbow coloured wool to do one for her too! x

    I don't usually do chevrons like this but I love it!

  15. Did you make it long enough to wrap around twice or just once? I'm having trouble deciding the length. :)

  16. I'm kind of lost at the beginning of row 2. I'm new to crochet and what are the loops? I'm lost lol

  17. I'm kind of lost at the beginning of row 2. I'm new to crochet and what are the loops? I'm lost lol

  18. I have made one scarf from your pattern :) currently making a second one!

  19. This is what I have been searching for to make a scarf in my daughters school colors (she just started 3K)...I have been searching for a cute two color pattern....thank you...I will be doing this soon....

  20. I love making this! Do you trim the ends off when you switch colors or leave it and pick it up again when you switch back to that color?

  21. I love this pattern and have just one question: since I want it wider, what's the pattern repeat? You'd think I could figure this out for myself, nope. Thanks for your help.
