
Thursday, January 9, 2014

DIY Pallet Shelf

Greetings lovelies!
So remember when I said that I had other Christmas gifts to share with you all? Well here I have another one, and I'm kind of smitten with the way that it turned out:

DIY Palette Shelf

I made this sweet little [actually, it's not so little] pallet shelf for my sister because she kept on bothering me to make her something like this. And it was actually pretty easy to make!

DIY Palette Shelf

All I did was cut off about 8 inches on each side [I basically just cut off the last long boards on each side]. I then broke those long boards down again and nailed them to the freshly cut sides of the pallet.

DIY Palette Shelf

Then I sanded the whole thing down, threw on a coat or two of some old wood stain I found in my basement, and finished the whole thing off with three coats of satin polyurethane. [If you don't think that satin polyurethane is a gift from the heavens, then ohmygosh I do not understand you. I could drink that stuff, it's so perfect. Well... maybe not drink it, but you get my point. IT'S WONDERFUL.]

DIY Palette Shelf

Unfortunately [for her, not my mother] my sister could not take the shelf back home with her in her tiny anti-car, so my mother is taking good care of it for her. I love old bottles soso much, so I decked it out for her with these jars I found in my house.

DIY Palette Shelf

Now I think that it looks pretty cute in my mother's dining room :]
I have one more pallet left from when I went university-dumpster-diving earlier this semester; originally I was going to make something different with it, but now I might have to make one of these for myself... so long as I don't anger any more grad students in the woodshop while making it again [but that's a whole 'nother story haha.]

Anyway, I'm super happy with the way that this turned out, so I totes encourage anyone else to try making one for themselves too! It was seriously so easy, and if you can get a pallet fo' free? Even better, yo.

Linkin' up:
x x x


  1. Stopping in from the Inspire Me Please blog party. It is amazing what you can make with pallets,,,they have definately taken over the pinterest world! Love the rich colors in the stain you chose!

    1. I know, right? Pallets seem to be everywhere! But I think that's because they're just so darn great [and cheap haha] to work with! Thanks though!

  2. OOOH GURL. You made woodshop nerds mad? -gives you a medal- That is brilliant. Someday when we win the "free money with no taxes" contest we will get you your own woodworking tools. You neeeed it. At least you need a sander of your own. Sailor got me one when we moved and I am obsessed with it. All the sanding.

    In conclusion: I love this shelf. It is cool because you could hang it if you wanted, but you don't have to. But you could. I need to make one of my own some day. And yes, polyurethane is God's gift to humanity.

    1. Haha yeah, they were not so pleased with me. I def got the "We know that you're not in sculpture class anymore" look lol. And I want a sander so. dang. badly. I am immensely jealous of you! But yes. You need to make one. I need to make one for myself too. Sooo hipst.

  3. You did such a great job with that pallet shelf. It is looking awesome. We're able to get many pallets free and have 3 piles out under snow in back yard. Don't have any place to keep it, no garage or basement. Wish we did have basement so hubs could make me things thru the winter. He's not too crazy about taking the pallets apart.
    How do you plan to hang the shelf when/if you do? Just wondering. Have to hand it to you making that shelf yourself, love bottles on it also. Happy weekend

    1. Yeah, taking pallets apart is not so fun; that's why I just cut the ends off as opposed to actually prying them off haha. And I told my sister that she could go out and get a french cleat when she wants to hang it-- they can support more weight.

  4. I love the shade of wood stain you used! This is so unique!

  5. wow, I really like that. I would not have anywhere to put it or I would make one. I love it. If I find a pallet I will find a way haha.

    1. Yeah, I know what you mean about the space-- my apartment is super tiny and wouldn't have room for something like this! But I hope you do end up finding a pallet :]
