
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

In the Navy Dress Refashion

Howdy kids :]

So something great happened. I'VE ACQUIRED A SEWING MACHINE.
Sad part? It's only temporary. Boooooo.
But my mother let me commandeer her sewing machine until I have to go back to school, which means plenty of thrift store raids, yo.
Aw yeah.

But here is the first dress that I refashioned with the new [old] sewing machine:

Thrifted Navy Dress Refashion

Not gonna lie, this one started out rather massive on me. But that actually worked to my advantage I think:

Thrifted Navy Dress Refashion

Much better now I tink :]
But here is what I did:

Thrifted Navy Dress Refashion

First I insta-removed those AWESOME shoulder pads.

Thrifted Navy Dress Refashion

Then I chopped off the sleeves right at the seams.

Thrifted Navy Dress Refashion

Next I sewed the top so that it looked more like a short sleeved shirt by just sewing along those fancy red lines.

Thrifted Navy Dress Refashion

Chopped off the extra of course!

Thrifted Navy Dress Refashion

Made a big ol' chip-chop across the bottom, hemmed like a fool, and voila!

Thrifted Navy Dress Refashion

And now it's a much cuter navy shirt-dress! The best part [though you can't tell here]? THIS DRESS HAS POCKETS. Aw yea.
I feel like you can always find some sort of shirt dress at the thrift store. I have the two that I refashioned lately, and I have three more that I'm working on now. Gotta love dollar day at Goodwill, right? ROIGHT.

See y'all soon with some other things I've been working on--
Happy Tuesday!

Linkin' up HURR and HURR


  1. This turned out great!! I hope you can acquire a sewing machine! I just started to learn to sew too. I'm following you on Bloglovin'. I'd love for you to check out my blog and follow back if you like. :)
    Gina @ Gina's Craft Corner

    1. Thanks so much! And thanks for the follow- I'm totes following you now too!

  2. Turned out great :)

    Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays, featuring and pinning your post this week :)

  3. Thanks so much for the invite Cathy! I'll totally check it out!
