
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

80's Shirt Refashion

Well hey dere :]

 I managed to do another refashion a little while ago:

80's Shirt Refashion

Man, I really love the 80's. I really regret not being born during that decade [90's child whaaaat].

80's Shirt Refashion

Like for real. Nothing says "Today is a good day" like obscene prints and patterns. I was not loving the shape and fit of that shirt though so I decided to give it a nice little update:

80's Shirt Refashion

First, [after marking with chalk] I cut the sleeves off to make it more tank-top-y.

80's Shirt Refashion

Then hacked off the collar to make a more flattering neckline...

80's Shirt Refashion

Then I flipped it inside out and took in the sides an inch or two. After finishing off my hems, this bad boy was ready to be worn!

Day-um guuurl, lookin' fly [was fly said in the 80's? What decade was that? I don't care, I'm bringin' it back either way.]

Linkin' up HERE and HERE!


  1. This turned out really well! Inspires me to go look through my closet to see what I can upcycle into something...

    1. I'm glad you think so! It's always fun to go shopping in your own closet, right?

  2. Loving this upcycle! :)
    Gina @ Gina's Craft Corner

  3. I think 'fly' may have been 90s (I'm thinking Fresh Prince). Great refashion, I know I would have passed this shirt not seeing its potential.

    1. I think you're totally right there haha. But thanks!
