
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

White Blouse Refashion

Is it weird that I did not own a single plain white blouse before getting this shirt to refashion? I feel like there might be something wrong with that...

Ah well, the situation has been remedied, with a twist kind of?

I got this shirt from the thrift store for like a dollar or something, but it was way too big and lifeless on me. So after an afternoon of work and playing around with weird ideas, I think this is a much improved version:

White Blouse Refashion

Can you def tell that I got this over the summer and then let it sit on my refashion pile for forever? That's how I function.

White Blouse Refashion

I started by first putting the shirt on inside-out and pinning it in so that the overall fit was better. (Take note of that ominous black shape in the corner. Take a wild guess as to what happened next.)

White Blouse Refashion

Ah yes. Ah good. No sewing project is complete without Kitty putting his large body over top of everything. Wow.

White Blouse Refashion

After sewing up the sides, I folded up the collar and added a matching white button in line with the other buttons on the shirt. I also added a button hole on the other side of the collar, making sure the shirt would lay flat before cutting it out. I did the stitching for the button hole by hand because let's be real. I'm too much of a giant baby to try and add the hole by machine.

White Blouse Refashion

Using my pinking shears, I cut off the extra fabric from the sides of the shirt where I stitched it earlier. And here was where I decided to go a little different than just having a plain white blouse:

White Blouse Refashion

I took those extra pieces of fabric and right sides together, I pinned them and stitched the bottom and the pinked (is that even a term?) sides and left the tops open.

White Blouse Refashion

Then all I had to do was flip them right-sides out and top stitch all the way around.

White Blouse Refashion

Lastly, I just took the tie pieces, tucked them under the collar and hand stitched them on.

White Blouse Refashion

Aaaand, much improved now I'd say. My roommate gave me that brooch and I thought it would be perfect with this so why not. Like it looks fine just tied, but yeah. Fancy brooches are legit, right?

Linkin' up:
x x


  1. Looks cute, great refashion!
    Glad I'm not the only one who has feline 'help' with creative projects :)

  2. Great makeover, love the tie on your shirt :)

    Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays

  3. So much better! I think pinked is a word - 'tis now there are two of us saying it anyway! I really like the brooch on it too, very classy.

  4. This looks so incredible! I'm always so amazed by your talent. Pinned and tweeted. Please join us on Monday at 7 pm and party with us! It is so super fun to see what you have been working on! Lou Lou Girls
