Friday, June 13, 2014

DIY Wrap Bracelet

Don't you just love it when you decide to make a pin off of Pinterest, and it ACTUALLY turns out? I don't know bout you all, but it seriously makes me feel like I have my life together.

I ran across THIS PIN some time ago, and decided to give it a go. Only, I was too lazy to go to the craft store to buy the required materials, thus mine turned out a little different:

DIY Wrap Bracelet

I pretty much followed the directions, only I substituted brown thread and hemp for the leather and fishing line.

DIY Wrap Bracelet

I also just used bugle beads instead of the big fancy beads because... again... I'm lazy. And I already had all these things, so that counts for something, right? Using up materials? So they don't go to waste? Yeah, that's it....

DIY Wrap Bracelet

I thought about making an actual pattern with the colors of the beads, but I kind of like how the random colors worked out. My whole policy with making this was "whatever color I pick up, I put on," which actually made life a little easier. Heeeeh.

DIY Wrap Bracelet

Overall, this was a really easy project! I haven't made any beaded things like this in a while, so it was quite fun to get back into it, even if it was just for one project. When I was a kid I was ALL about making beaded things. I mean, ALL. So I def recommend checking out the directions if you would like to make your own!!

Linkin' up:
x x x


  1. Wow, that's so cute. I would make that too #Weekendbloghop http:\\

  2. Just pinned this cutie and will be sharing on FB!!

    Hugs from Freedom Fridays!!

  3. Oh wow, that really means a lot to me! Thanks!

  4. Congratulations! This post is going to be featured over at Diana Rambles tomorrow and has been pinned in the Featured at Diana Rambles board at Pinterest, Tweeted, and Recommended on G+. Please grab a featured button off my sidebar or via the link under the features. Thanks for sharing this awesome idea!

  5. I love that you used what you already had, that's the best kind of crafting - the no additional expense kind!
