
Sunday, June 29, 2014

Making Monday

Welcome to Making Monday

Greetings everyone! I'm super excited to announce that the lovely Gracie and Lori have allowed me to be a cohost for Making Monday this week! This is my first time cohosting, and I'm super excited to be a part of their fun weekly shenannigans. So with out further ado, here we go--

This is a party where you can find fun new creative ideas and tasty recipes shared by amazingly talented people. Every Monday bloggers stop by to link up their posts and share with all you party goers. By joining in {both bloggers and non-bloggers} you will discover new blogs, be inspired to make something new, try a yummy new recipe, and most importantly make new friends!
This party is hosted by Gracie and me, and your projects will be shared on both of our blogs. We love that you're here and we love featuring you on our social media so be sure to follow us so you can see if your post gets shared!
We also pin to our Making Monday Pinterest board and we'd love to have you follow along! This is a place you can find projects from all the previous parties, too, so it is like a party every day.
Co-host label
Becca from Halfway to Hipster.
Tulle Skirt-HalfwaytoHipster
Becca is sharing her fun and flouncy Tulle Skirt ~ make one for yourself or for a cute little princess that loves to dance and twirl.
Now make sure you show Becca some love! Visit her here: Blog | Pinterest.

This is what your hostesses have been up to lately:

Tomato Pesto Pizza
Whether this Tomato Pesto Pizza is cooked on the grill or in the oven, it's a summertime favorite because the flavors are delicious and refreshing.

These are the fabulous features for this week, chosen by Lori:

If you were one of the features PLEASE grab a button and share it with some friends.
A Bright and Beautiful Life
If you weren't featured this week, don't forget to check out the Pinterest board and keep linking up ~ next week could be you!
A Bright and Beautiful Life
Don't forget to check out our Pinterest board where we pin plenty of projects from each party!

On --

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

DIY Tulle Skirt

Greetings kids!

So, I've been doing a lot of sewing lately because when the urge to sew hits me, it hits hard. Like a semi truck. Or my dog running a thousand miles per hour because she is a dog and has nothing better to do with her time.

But because of this urge, I've been making a lot of skirts lately. One of the more ridiculous ones I've made has been this monstrosity [as featured in an obligatory mirror selfie because why not]--

DIY Tulle Skirt

Care to make one for yourself? [Because you should. Everyone should dress like a princess at least daily]. Then follow along!

DIY Tulle Skirt

This one started out with me scrounging through my basement and stumbling across five yards of white tulle. Where did it come from? Eh, no one knows. Which automatically makes it mine. For the lining, I also used about 2 yards of white broadcloth, plus another 1/4 yard of broadcloth to make a waistband. Oh yeah, and don't forget a zipper and matching thread and a sewing machine and all that nonsense.

DIY Tulle Skirt

After gathering my materials, I summoned my trusty Kitty helper and began cutting the fabric. All I did was cut the broadcloth in half lengthwise, and did the same thing with the tulle.

DIY Tulle Skirt

With the extra scrap of broadcloth, I cut out a rectangle that was 3" x 29" [or your waist measurement plus 2 inches for wiggle room].

DIY Tulle Skirt

Also, [very important step] with my extra tulle that I ended up with, I tied it to my helper's collar because he is a beautiful fairy princess.

DIY Tulle Skirt

Next, I gathered my layers of tulle and broadcloth, which I did separately and then attached together. Using the longest stitch length available, I ran two rows of straight stitches close together along the entire length of the broadcloth, making sure not to backstitch and  to leave pretty long threads after running the rows. Then, pulling on just the top threads [or bottom, doesn't matter], I gathered the broadcloth so that it was the same length as my waistband. I then did the same exact process with the tulle.

DIY Tulle Skirt

Then I attended to my waistband itself. To make life easier, I pressed it in half lengthwise, then pressed  the sides up again about 3/4"

Halfway to Hipster: DIY Tulle Skirt

Here's what I mean by pressing the sides up, if that makes more sense. Also, I forgot to photograph this part, but I also sewed the tulle and the broadcloth together after gathering them to the same length.

DIY Tulle Skirt

The last thing to do was attach the waistband to the skirt. How I did this was I basically encased the skirt part with the waistband. So instead of having all the raw edges poking out, I hid them inside of the waistband by attaching it thus--

DIY Tulle Skirt

Hopefully the pictures make more sense than I do because words and I aren't cooperating right now haha.

DIY Tulle Skirt

Finally, I just ran two rows of straight stitches along the waistband to attach everything together, making sure to backstitch at the ends. After everything was put together, I inserted a zipper and sewed down the back seam to make it a complete skirt!

DIY Tulle Skirt

Aaaaand booyah. Tulle majesty. I thought about trimming the tulle to make it the same length as the broadcloth, but a) that would take effort, and b) more tulle = more princess.

Now excuse me while I go frolic in the woods and speak to woodland creatures...

Linkin' up:
x x

Friday, June 13, 2014

DIY Wrap Bracelet

Don't you just love it when you decide to make a pin off of Pinterest, and it ACTUALLY turns out? I don't know bout you all, but it seriously makes me feel like I have my life together.

I ran across THIS PIN some time ago, and decided to give it a go. Only, I was too lazy to go to the craft store to buy the required materials, thus mine turned out a little different:

DIY Wrap Bracelet

I pretty much followed the directions, only I substituted brown thread and hemp for the leather and fishing line.

DIY Wrap Bracelet

I also just used bugle beads instead of the big fancy beads because... again... I'm lazy. And I already had all these things, so that counts for something, right? Using up materials? So they don't go to waste? Yeah, that's it....

DIY Wrap Bracelet

I thought about making an actual pattern with the colors of the beads, but I kind of like how the random colors worked out. My whole policy with making this was "whatever color I pick up, I put on," which actually made life a little easier. Heeeeh.

DIY Wrap Bracelet

Overall, this was a really easy project! I haven't made any beaded things like this in a while, so it was quite fun to get back into it, even if it was just for one project. When I was a kid I was ALL about making beaded things. I mean, ALL. So I def recommend checking out the directions if you would like to make your own!!

Linkin' up:
x x x