
Sunday, May 11, 2014

March/April Sketchbook

Heeeey friends :]

I thought I would share a peek at my sketchbook from the last two months. There isn't anything too special going on, but I'm going to try and sketch more over summer to keep myself fresh. So here we are!

March/April Sketchbook

Here we have some pencil sketches of one of my OC's [with one of my fave quotes from Christopher Palu. I love that man so much. Y'all don't even KNOW.]

March/April Sketchbook

And cats because yeah.

March/April Sketchbook

At one point I took my students on a field trip to the Art Institute and ended up doing some studies of the Greek sculptures they have there.

March/April Sketchbook

Because come on-- marble sculpted fabric? Art-gasmic. I have mad respect for anyone who can carve marble.

March/April Sketchbook

I also recently got into the show Attack on Titan, which is pretty cool. Armin is def my fave character because I have a weak spot for my fellow nerds.

March/April Sketchbook

And Eren of course because why not.

March/April Sketchbook

I haven't been doing a lot of full-color drawings lately, but I did manage to finish one of my OC Esther.

March/April Sketchbook

And last, but hella not least, I think it's pretty well established how much I love Party King Thrandy. Ugh. I can't.

Linkin' Up: