
Saturday, March 1, 2014

January/February Sketchbook

Remember that one time that I said I was going to do monthly sketchbook updates? Yeah, I forgot last month's haha. But I didn't mean to! Promise! Things and stuff have just been crazy and yeah.

I haven't had the MOST time for art these past two months, but I've been trying to sneak in a sketch here and there. I was able to do a few things at the beginning of January before school started, but ever since then I've been a bit more sporadic.

But I do have a few things to share:

January/February Sketchbook

I don't know if y'all know this... But I FREAKING LOVE THRANDUIL. You know-- Party King? Legolas's dad from the Hobbit? No? Just me? Okay, well I love him because he is just so fab. So so fab.

January/February Sketchbook

Then just sketching some crystals [and I love how you can see the ghost of King Thrandy in the background haha].

January/February Sketchbook

I also drew a picture of my friend's original character for her, Delaney, but I still don't really like how he turned out...

January/February Sketchbook

And then Jaqen H'Ghar because yeah.

January/February Sketchbook

At the beginning of January I also went on a big blue Sharpie kick. This would be exhibit A.

January/February Sketchbook

Aaaaand exhibit B. Have I ever mentioned how much I love drawing hipster hair? Because I def do.

January/February Sketchbook\

Finally, the last one is completely my roommate's fault. She lent me her markers and told me to draw something uncreative. Which then turned into a reference from Don't Hug Me I'm Scared. [If you value your sanity, don't youtube that. Trust me.]

Anyway, I just thought I'd show y'all a little bit of what I have been up to!

Linkin' up:
x x x