
Saturday, January 25, 2014

New Look Black Dress

Can you believe that I had gone 21 years without ever learning how to properly read a sewing pattern? I know, I am just as appalled. But it was always my logic of  "ain't nobody got time for that" that kept me from learning...

... until winter break. Guys. Guys hey. Look. I'm a sewing adult now.

New Look Black Dress

[PS-- Hardcore rocking the Jaqen H'ghar hair and I regret nothing]
Awww yeaaah. I finally sat down and, with the help of my mother and some mad texts directed at Carolyn, I manned-up and learned how to actually read a proper pattern.
I mean I freaking love sewing, but I've always just done derpy things that don't require attention, or did refashions that don't run by prescription. But while I was at Joann's over break, I found THE MOST MAJESTIC fabric [which I will share with you soonly!] and knew that I had to learn how to make a dress out of it.

New Look Black Dress

In comes the New Look Dress. I saw this pattern in the wall of patterns that Joann's always has and thought "Oh hey, I could probably hopefully make that," So I decided to give it a go. And I adore the results!

The pattern is Simplicity New Look pattern 6223 [which you can find here], but when I found it, it had 0909 printed on the envelope. I thought that it had a nice vintage-y-ish feel to it [I made option c], and let me tell you-- it was actually pretty easy to make!

New Look Black Dress

For this one, I just used a simple black broadcloth, but I did vary from the pattern in that I lined the skirt and the bodice, rather than just the bodice.

New Look Black Dress

So if you're ever in the neighborhood for a new pattern to check out, I definitely suggest this one! If I can handle it [you know, the kid who doesn't like to conform to directions] then anyone can do it! Now excuse me while I make about 80 more of these [totally not weird, right?]. I mean, I DO think that I saw some nice cat-patterned fabric on sale the other day...

Linkin' up!
x x x


  1. SO so cute! The shape is just darling...sigh, I wish I could sew...

    1. You should totes learn how! It's really not that hard if you're doing simple things like this!

  2. Fully lined eh, very impressive for a first paper pattern attempt! It looks great, and really versatile, I'm sure you'll wear it loads.
    I've used "proper patterns" before and most are pretty straightforward, you'll probably find that once you get one you like you''ll make yourself several variations in different fabrics and make all your friends jealous of your beautiful new wardrobe!
    I've not made anything "proper" for a little while now - humm - time to dig through my patterns and rectify that I think, thanks for the inspiration.

    1. Thank you so much! Yeah, I am thinking of using this pattern a few more times, and maybe hunting for a few other easy ones! I'd love to see what you make if you dig out your patterns!

  3. Golly, you win. I've done a lined bodice but never a fully lined dress. You are exponentially better at following directions that I am, though. I hate patterns, but always find myself using them. XD You go girl!! Love this dress. And can't wait to see it made from your -special- fabric.

    1. Thanks <3
      But you're a goddess at sewing! You're still way better than me!

  4. So Cute! Thanks so much for linking it to Worthwhile Wednesdays!
    ~Allie @

  5. I started sewing with patterns a year or two ago--they can be fun, and I think for me they're really helped me understand the mechanics of how clothing goes together so that I can start from there and make my own adjustments!

    1. That's so smart! I feel like I need to practice more with them because you're right-- they do help with understanding construction!

  6. oh wow, the dress looks awesome!

    I only ever used patterns in High School sewing class, and found it so confusing (good luck mum helped me), so now I sew things that do not require patterns :) But after seeing your post, methinks I need to learn, as your dress is fantastic.

    1. You should totally try out some patterns again! They're totes fun! I feel like I need to check some more out too haha

  7. Hi sorry I am a bit late to the discussion but how did you go about lining the skirt? Find it strange only bodice is lined and want to do skirt as well, did you pleat the lining and incorporate it with fabric or just a plain a-line lining? Thanks!

    1. No need for apologies! All I did was use the pattern to make a duplicate of the bottom of the dress (minus the pockets). Then I just sewed it inside of the outer fabric before attaching both to the bodice. I hope that makes sense! Thanks for inquiring!
