
Sunday, January 12, 2014

DIY Spectator Shoes

DIY Spectator Shoes

Can we just take a moment to talk about how dang fancy spectator shoes are? Because let's be real-- they're pretty darn swanky. There's just something about the crisp black and white of these bad boys that screams shut up, I'm classy, and who wouldn't love that?

Does anyone remember when I refinished these cowboy boots? Well, they got me excited and thinking of other things that I could make using that technique. So last time I went to Goodwill, I picked up some shoes and set out on another experiment. And the results speak for themselves [aka, you is fine].
Care to make some for yourselves? Well here is what I did:

DIY Spectator Shoes

Much like in Cowboy Boot Refash, first I gathered my materials. This time I did it a little different, so I ended up needing some old leather castoff shoes, paper towels, acetone, white leather paint, and some brushes.

DIY Spectator Shoes

Next, I removed the laces and went straight to work with the acetone. I wanted to remove the finish from the leather in the areas that I planned to paint white, so working a small section at a time, I would pour a little acetone on a paper towel and rub the leather until the black finish stopped coming off of the shoe. Then I took a fine grained sandpaper and roughed up the surface to be painted.

DIY Spectator Shoes

Once I had removed all of the finish from the leather, I began to paint it with some white acrylic paint. Edit: after wearing these shoes for a while I noticed that the paint was getting little cracks in some areas so I decided to go a different route. I ordered some Angelus brand Leather Paint [which you can find here], which I just found out is specifically for leather. So I will keep you posted on how this type of paint holds up!

DIY Spectator Shoes

With the help of my trusty sidekick, I let the shoes dry and then put the laces back in.

DIY Spectator Shoes

And just like that, you have [almost] instant fancy!
I swear, every time I go to Goodwill, I see about a dozen pairs of plain ol' shoes like these. THINK OF THE POSSIBILITIES, GUYS. And they weren't even expensive to make! These only cost me five dollars to make, mostly because I already had all of the other materials.

DIY Spectator Shoes

Plus, wouldn't it be fun to make a bunch of these in obnoxious different colors? I think that the next pair I make are begging to be Tardis blue and white... Oh I like this idea...

DIY Spectator Shoes

And all I have to say is-- Dapper. As. Heck.

Linkin' up:
x x x


  1. ohmygosh. Make me sooommeeee. XD I'm not supposed to be doing fume-y things with Baby Z in my belly, so I'll just have to lust over yours. Dangggg why do I want to paint all the things right now??

    1. Dude, I will totes make you some if you want. Long distance shoe twins! What size shoe do you even wear?

  2. Great idea!!!! Very clever, love your shoe makeover!!!

  3. Very cool! I have some old shoes I want to give a different color but never thought about using acrylic paint - how is it holding up?

    1. Thanks! It was holding up alright, but I actually decided to repaint these ones with a different type of paint. The cowboy boots that I painted with the acrylic were done months ago and they're still in perfect shape!

  4. Oh wow, love these. You did a great job :) thanks for sharing at Creative mondays, pinning these ...

    1. Thanks again for sharing, your post is featured and pinned this week at the hop...

  5. Love these! Such a fun idea
    Oby Grace

  6. These are the coolest!! Saw them at Roadkill Rescue ~ Amy

  7. Oh my! You may be on to something here! Tardis blue sounds great! I am a Dr. Who newbie. I'm watching and loving on netflix. I'm only on season 3! Sharing this1

    1. Ahhh yes! I'm glad that there are other DW fans in the blog-o-sphere! Just wait until you get to season 5-- Matt Smith is so wonderful <3

  8. Oh, your kitty looks like our old kitty! I like the shoes too :)

  9. These are brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrilliant!!!! I want to make some now! They'd be totally hot for Lindyhopping! Only trouble is NO charity-shops do nice black lace up shoes in my size (UK size 8, American size 10.5/11) Oh how I wish!
    And hell yes, TARDIS blue! Have you heard about Maricel's TARDIS Tuesday linkup? - she only started it two weeks ago- dress up in something Who-inspired every Tuesday! I've done it both weeks so far (and did some Clara-inspired outfits before that, so loving your ideas!) x

    1. That is so unfortunate! I hope you can find some one day, cause these really would be great for dancing in. I have not heard of this linkup, so THANK YOU. I'll have to check it out, along with your Clara outfit!!
