
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Blogger Spotlight: Forever Last in Line

Hey kids- I have something exciting to share today :'D

I want y'all to meet my dear friend Carolyn:

Carolyn is the owner of the Last in Line Shop, as well as the author of Forever Last in Line.

Not only that, but she is a supa-rad, dope-as-hell, very dear friend of mine. Carolyn and I met back in our freshman year of college, and it's been madness ever since. We've been on some crazy adventures, from walkabouts through random parts of the city to climbing rooftops to getting kidnapped from the library to playing with parachutes and taking over lounges. This girl people, this girl.

She is also a fiber goddess, and can crochet and knit literally ANYTHING. I def encourage y'all to check out her blog and shop to experience her skills firsthand. I mean come on:

Unicorn hats?

Cozy hipster beanies?

And straight-up gorgeous knits? What isn't to love?!
Carolyn is actually the one who first introduced me to crocheting, and she is seriously the best teacher I could have asked for. She is also a recent newbie to the gluten-free/thug life, so she has tons of great reviews of gluten free delectables on her blog!

But for real though, dawgs, I love this girl. She is super fun, super crafty, and has such an awesome sense of humor. I'd love it if y'all checked her out!


  1. Happy holidays! I nominated you for a Liebster award. I hope you'll accept it. :) Here's the link:

  2. -Sobbing forever-
    Love you, beautiful!!!
