
Sunday, January 10, 2016

DIY Collar Clips

Long time no chat, eh? It's only been roughly.... 6000 years I believe.

Despite popular opinion, I have been doing things though! I've been tied up in a lot of different creative projects (but mostly just a lot of personal projects) over the last few months, so I have not had time to post anything. Excuses, excuses, I know. But hey! I do have some things at least that I plan on sharing before I disappear into another inevitable hiatus.

One of those things are these collar clips I made:

DIY Collar Clips

Lately I've been really loving buttoning my blouses all the way to the top. I don't know why, but it just feels more fun to have that top-button swag going on. And because of that, I felt the urge to try out the whole  collar clip idea (is that even what they're called?).

The first place I saw them in action was with Clara in the episode "The Caretaker" of season 8 of Doctor Who, and while I still want to replicate hers, I think these will suffice for now.

Source: x
Can I just state the homegirl's fashion sense is so good? She's probably one of my favorite companions in terms of fashion sense... There are some other companions who should not have been allowed to dress themselves though (coughcoughrose).

But I digress. Here is how I made mine; they were crazy easy to do for myself:

DIY Collar Clips

I started with materials that I already happened to have on hand: E6000 glue, pliers, and some old jewelery. The clip part of the collar clips were made with two pairs of clip-on earrings that different people had given me in the past. The faux diamond ones were my grandmas that she gave me and I was thrilled that I could finally find a use for them (I can't wear clip-on earrings due to the fact that I have too many ear piercings that I'm too lazy to take out.) The chains were just broken bracelets that I have been accumulating because I am a hoarder I knew that I could find a use for them.

DIY Collar Clips

The first thing I did was use the pliers to remove the clasps from the bracelets and trim the chains to the lengths I wanted.

DIY Collar Clips

Then, using the E6000, I glued the chains to the backs of the earrings, making sure that the chains didn't sit wonky.

DIY Collar Clips

After that, all I had to do was let them dry, making sure that the chains didn't slip out of place as they were drying.

DIY Collar Clips

And that was it. It was really that simple (though I realize now that I didn't focus these pictures very well. Shame on you, Becca).

DIY Collar Clips

But hey, I still think they look pretty jazzy. Now, to figure out how to make some moon clips...

Linkin up:
x x

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