
Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Patriotic Dress

Heh. Hey. Hey guys.

Does anyone remember when I made this dress? (If not, you can read all about the pattern over there!)
Well, I used the same pattern and have created... quite possibly the best thing I have ever sewn:

Patriotic Dress

Seriously guys. I was laughing the whole time while making this because... well... sexy presidents. Who knew? Seriously. Dead.

Patriotic Dress

I found the fabric at Joann's and thought "THIS. I NEED SOMETHING WITH THIS."
And I know that the fabric is a little out there, but I really have no boundaries. So I regret nothing about this purchase haha.

Patriotic Dress

And apparently, the sexy presidents is just one fabric in a line of many. I also found sexy cowboys, Irishmen, and construction workers, to name a few.

Patriotic Dress

I mean come on. Even if you are not American, you have to admit that this fabric is pretty boss. Content aside, the painting and rendering is actually quite gorgeous [art nerd, let me beeee].

Patriotic Dress

And who wouldn't want to celebrate the founding fathers, especially since President's day is right around the corner. You know I'll be kickin' it so hard all day in this tomorrow.

Patriotic Dress

Beyond that, the sewing of this was really quite easy. Like I mentioned in my last post, I really love that New Look pattern I intend on making a thousand more dresses with this pattern, and no one can stop me [a Tardis dress is next on my docket].

So yeah-- Pinnacle of my sewing career.
I would definitely encourage everyone to make at least five of these. Because I can assure you that EVERYONE will be super jealous. I know I would be....

Linkin' up:
x x x


  1. Lol! That is the best thing I've seen all day. Nice work!

  2. Love this!! I'm obsessed with everything you share over at Making Monday!! Pinning it to our board :)

  3. Cute dress! I've never seen the presidents look so good! ;-)

    Navy Wifey Peters @ Submarine Sunday Link Party

    1. Haha, I know, right? Who knew we had such sexy founding fathers?
      But thank you!

  4. Oh my gosh, that dress! Wow! I'm not brave enough to wear something with a print like that, but props to you! That pattern does look really nice and comfy too. I have been trying to learn how to sew off and on for years, but I wonder if that pattern could be a good one for a beginner. So far I've just made a baby blanket and a bag. So, I'm not very advanced but my mom is practically an expert and could help. Great job on this!

    1. Haha thank you! And this was one of the few things I have ever made with a pattern too, so if I could do it, you totally can too! I'm just learning how to sew properly too.

  5. This is seriously the best thing I've seen all day! Thank you!

  6. I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU. And I just. I. Just. Becca, I want to marry you and your brain. And we can live together you'll make all these beautiful things and they will be in our house. And I'll cook you beautiful food. THIS DRESS.

    But I certainly agree with you in thinking that the rendering is quite lovely. I am so proud of you. In all areas. Well done. Are you going to wear this dress? FO REAL? Because......I vote yes.

    1. I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU MORE. And I'm DEF going to wear it as much as possible. We need to have a fun dress-making party!

  7. Sexy Presidents!? What? Yes! I would totally wear this dress. I can't believe that you found this fabric at Joanns, I'm dying laughing about that.

    I'd love it if you would share this dress sometime at my new Pinterest Link Up Hop!

    1. I know, crazy, right?! There's so much of these types of fabrics at Joanns!

      And thanks so much for the invite! I'll totes check it out!

  8. You have an eye for beauty (and humor!) in all its forms. Even when it comes to an 8-pack. Seriously folks, count them. I sure did.

    I saw this at Crafty Allie, and now I want you to share this at my party, too: Treasure Box Tuesdays (going on right now!)

    You did a great job! ♥

  9. LOVE THIS DRESS! Seriously amazing work. Would be great if you shared at my link party Link It Or Lump it

  10. Love, love, love! Will be pinning for sure! Thanks so much for linking it up @ Worthwhile Wednesdays.

  11. This is so freaking awesome!!!! I would love it if you shared it at our link party going on now.

    1. I'm glad you think so! Thanks for the invite!

  12. What a great fun dress. Must check out the pattern. #weekendbloghop

  13. Great dress, love the material :) thanks for sharing at the weekend blog hop....

  14. Hey Becca, I featured you at Worthwhile Wednesdays,
    Come by and grab you button, and link up again.

    1. Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!
