
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Teal Flowered Dress Refashion

Hey hey~

I have a little refashion to share with y'all that I finally managed to photograph last week:

Teal Flowered Dress Refashion

I got this dress at Goodwill over the summer for only a dollar, but I didn't get around to fixing it up until over winter break. And now it's gone from "buuh" to "eeeeh, she still probably needs help learning how to dress herself" haha.

Teal Flowered Dress Refashion

The first thing I did was chop out the shoulder pads, which Kitty one hundred percent approved of. Seriously, I wouldn't know how to fashion if it wasn't for him.

Teal Flowered Dress Refashion

Then I chopped about four or five inches off of the bottom. Because while I enjoy frumpy, this was just a little too frumpy.

Teal Flowered Dress Refashion

And of course put in a new hem!

Halfway to Hipster: Teal Flowered Dress Refashion

I wasn't really feelin' the sleeves either, so I chopped most of them off.

Teal Flowered Dress Refashion

Then before I hemmed off the sleeves, I decided to take in the sides a little, just because the top was a little bit too big on me still.

Teal Flowered Dress Refashion

Finally, I hemmed up the sleeves and all was right in the world! Awww yeah.

Teal Flowered Dress Refashion

[I clearly know how to take pictures] And booyahmozzarellasticks, another refashion in the bag. I really don't know why I always gravitate towards crazy prints, but you have to admit-- at least they're interesting haha.

But hey, weirdly enough, my pile of "to be refashioned" items is almost depleted, which mean OH DARN I'll have to go thrifting soon. I'm sure my roommate Krispy won't mind being dragged either... [which reminds me sidenote Becca/Krispy decorating tip number one: if you don't have at least three American flags in your apartment, you might be doing it wrong.]

That's it for now!

Linkin' up:
x x x


  1. Great job, small changes that make a big difference. I love a good charity shop find makeover . I've often wondered, maybe you can help. In the UK we have Charity shops (loads of them) so the money you spend goes to whatever charities shop you are in (make a small donation to charity get clothes for free!) in the US you all talk about thrift stores and goodwill - is that the same - where does the money go? I'm just interested. thanks for the inspiration, good luck with your next thrifty shopping trip!

    1. I know right? Sometimes its the smallest things that make a difference. And yeah, most of the time, our thrift stores (like Goodwill/St. Vincent's/Salvation Army and whatnot) are similar to your Charity shops. Depending on where you go, they use the money for different charitable causes. I hope that helps!

  2. Amerrriiiccaaaa!! I love this dress. I need to get more brave with patterns.

    1. Mericaa! And dooo ittt-- patterns are so obnoxious and wonderful. I wore one of my ugly grandpa-patterned sweaters to class yesterday and got so many compliments from my students haha.

  3. Great re-fashion :) thanks for haring at Creative Mondays ...

  4. Love the re-do! So cute! You're so talented and creative! Thanks for sharing it on Worthwhile Wednesdays @

    1. Thank you so much! And thanks for having the party!

  5. Cute dress! I need to refashion some things in my closet - this gives me some motivation. Love the photo of your cat helping. I have a couple of cats that like to help me sew and they workout with me too!

    1. Thank you! And aren't cats the best? They're always so helpful!!

  6. It looks great, such simple updates make a huge difference in the overall silhouette. Good job!

    1. Thanks! And I know, right? Sometimes all it takes is a few chops here and there!

  7. I like it! So glad you have kitty to help you out there. Good luck on your last semester!

    1. Haha I am glad of that as well! Thank you so much!
