
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Mod Podge Purse

Heh. Eheh. Ehhhh.....

So one thing that I finished a while back was for a contest that a local boutique back home was holding:

Mod Podge Purse

What the contest basically entailed was that you were given a plain black plastic purse, and you had to decorate it any way that you wanted.
And for some reason, my train of thought took me in the direction of birch bark. I don't even sometimes.

Mod Podge Purse

All I really did for it was tear up a lot of scrapbook paper, phone books, paper doilies and brown paper bags and then mod podged it all on there haha. And then to finish it off, I painted some simple stylized birch branches and glued it all on top. Simple but fun, yeah?

Mod Podge Purse

Yay mod podge, yay.
And on the cool side, I actually ended up winning the contest. That's what sitting in your basement and hoarding craft supplies will get ya, kids. Live the dreeeeam~

And, as ever, I'll be linkin' up here!