
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas Cardin'

Hooo boy.

Lately I've been doing ALL THE THINGS. So much to do, so little time, yeah?
Since getting off of school last week, I've been trying to rush to get everything ready for Christmas. Baking cookies, sending cards, making gifts, you know haha.

But yesterday I ended up finishing making Christmas cards for everyone.

I ended up making quite a few this year. It's like... you start to make cards for a few people... and then you think of more people... and then the next thing you know you end up making eight thousand cards.

But it's all fun, right? We only get to do this but once a year... so might as well enjoy it :]

Now I'm off to go finish making a million other gifts I guess.

Linkin' up to THESE great parties!

1 comment:

  1. Love the snowflake cards. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

    Loved seeing this at the special link party supporting Sandy Hook last week. Hope you'll come to The Humble Brag link party today to see some features from last week and link up some more cool projects. We also give away FREE AD SPACE every week! Happy Friday!
