
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Dresser Makeover

Another furniture makeover? For real??
Yes, internet; this is for real. I made another thing.

And, unbeknownst to me when I first thought about doing this project, this turned out to quite possibly be the most annoying furniture makeover in all of human history. Well, that might be a little of an overstatement, but still. You'll understand why in a moment.

Dresser Makeover

Back in ye olden days of summer 2014, my mother came home from a church thing with this dresser. Another lady at church was going to throw it away and asked my mom if she would like it or not. So she took it home and gave it to me saying "do something with this." (A common theme among all of the furniture in my apartment, it seems.)

Dresser Makeover

This thing was in some major rough shape though, so I can understand why the lady wanted to get rid of it. Half the drawers didn't have knobs, the drawers themselves were really tight-fitting, one of the legs was broken, and overall it just smelled like the color brown (Tangled reference, anyone?).

Dresser Makeover

But, being the sap that I am, I could see the potential in this one. I couldn't let the poor thing just be sent to the grave... and I def couldn't leave it as is. So I decided to do a major overhaul on it, which turned out to be quite the project.

First off, I primed the piece and I found out along the way that the last time this was stained, it wasn't sealed properly, so this vague red hue kept on bleeding through the primer. Then, as I went to take the remaining knobs off the drawers, I realized that half the holes were completely stripped, so I just had to fill all of the holes and sand them down.
Finally, when I went to paint the piece, the paint warped the drawers even more so that none of the drawers would even fit into the dresser. After lots of sanding and profuse swearing, I finally have a somewhat functional dresser:

Dresser Makeover

And I must say that I feel that the final product is much cuter than where it started. I decided to go with black and my favorite off-white just because I thought it would be crisp and somewhat different. I also got all new handles which I thought about spray painting white to match the top of the dresser. Thoughts?

Dresser Makeover

The drawers still kind of stick, but it got to the point where I just had to say "the hell with it." You know what I'm talking about? Where you work on something for what feels like forever but then good ol' apathy creeps in to save the day? That happens to me allll the tiiiime.

Dresser Makeover

(this is just a picture of a jar of rocks I have because rocks are so important. I love rocks. I will fight you on how great rocks are.)

Dresser Makeover

One day I suppose I'll go back and touch up the paint and do a bit more sanding or something, but for now I'm calling this one done. Aww yeah. It's nice to have something to put my items in again, that's for sure.

So has anyone else had to suffer through a project like this one? I'd love to hear/read your stories!

Linkin' up:
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Saturday, January 17, 2015

Thrifted Trunk Makeover

"Furniture makeovers?" you ask. "You don't do that, do you? Stop it."
Actualmente, I kind of do. Or I have. Or I sometimes do...

Remember when I said that I'm attempting to decorate my new apartment at least a little bit? Well over the past few months, I've updated a few furniture pieces, so I thought I might share them :]

The first is this trunk that was gifted to me:

Thrifted Trunk Makeover

My mom found it at the thrift store for about 5 bucks and decided that I needed it. You go mom.

Thrifted Trunk Makeover

Her reasoning was that she had a big ol' trunk when she was in college; therefore, I needed one too. But now that I am newly post-college, and since I have no attachment to Northwestern since I didn't go to school there, I decided that it would be fun to paint this one.

I mean, I didn't really think that painting would hurt this one or anything. It was all scuffed and banged up and had def seen better days anyway...

Thrifted Trunk Makeover

So all I did was update it with a few coats of some cheery yellow paint! Now I feel like it is a thousand times cuter.

Thrifted Trunk Makeover

All I used was some regular interior paint from the hardware store and put on three coats. I suppose I could have taped off the edges of the metal parts of the trunk, but let's just say I'm lazy I like living life on the edge.

Thrifted Trunk Makeover

I still have quite a bit of decorating to do, but I think that I am making steady progress. (For example, since taking these pictures, I decided that a mature adult would CLEARLY have some Game of Thrones and Hobbit posters next to their bed, so that is precisely what I did. Hell yeaaaa~)

Thrifted Trunk Makeover

Also, added bonus, check out that dope thrifted lamp. It's so creepy, it's beautiful. Like dancing creepy naked babies and demon faces on the handles and everything. That's my new aesthetic.

So what do you all think? Any tips for a novice furniture makeover-er?

Linkin' up:
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Saturday, January 10, 2015

Polka Dot Skirt Refashion

Sometimes I start to go about a refashion, I get all in the groove, and then I have to step back and say "What. What are you doing.Why are you doing this."

This refashion, my friends, was one of those cases.

Polka Dot Skirt Refashion

I got this skirt from the Goodwill for a dollar and although floor-length button up skirts scream high fashion, I thought it would be good to change it up.

The weird thing about this skirt though was that even though it had a buttoned waist, it also had an elastic waist band which was still entirely too big for my waist. So I decided to do the most back-asswards thing I could think of to fix this situation.

(Get psyched for some really bad pictures in terrible lighting aw yeah.)

Polka Dot Skirt Refashion

I started off by unbuttoning the entire skirt so that it was completely open (that's attractive). I then used my pinking shears to separate the waist band from the skirt itself, leaving about an inch of seam allowance.

Polka Dot Skirt Refashion

I then measured the waist band against my own waist, pinned off the extra room on each side, and then sewed the elastic down so that the entire thing felt comfortable.

Polka Dot Skirt Refashion

With the remaining fabric, I compared it to my body and decided that I wanted it at more of a knee-length, rather than a floor length. So I cut a few inches off the top of the skirt (so that I wouldn't have to re-hem the bottom) and ran a gathering stitch along that top edge.

Polka Dot Skirt Refashion

All I had left to do was reattach my waist piece to the body piece of the skirt, which I did by using the gathers to manipulate the body into being the same length as the waist.

Polka Dot Skirt Refashion

And now I am a beautiful polka-dotted baby bird who still doesn't know how to pose for pictures. Fly away baby bird-- off to your destiny.

In retrospect, I supposed I could have just, you know... hemmed the skirt and took the waist in normally, but at the time, this method made more sense to me. I had to take the waist in a lot, and I was afraid that if I just sewed down the sides, the skirt would be too clingy. Hence the cutting off the waist and gathering the bottom. At least this way, the skirt stayed a little fuller. Ah well.

Has anyone one else had this sort of refashioning situation before? Where you literally have to be like "Woah.What."
Because I feel like that happens to me at least once during the course of every sewing project haha.

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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

DIY Pom-Pom Garland

It's amazing how Kitty thinks that every single thing I make, I make for him. Like this project for example:

DIY Pom-Pom Garland

I mean, according to him, this just screams, "hey, this is a cat toy, right?"
Yes Kitty. You are correct.

I've been living in my new apartment for about six months now, but I haven't done a whole lot of decorating. Sure, there are a lot of rocks and a few creepy paintings here and there, but I'm starting to do a few more things here and there. A little while ago, I decided to use up some scrap yarn and ended up making a cute garland of sorts. And it was actually really simple and quick to make--

DIY Pom-Pom Garland

I started by making around two dozen little pom poms. All I did to make these was wrap some yarn around my fingers 30-40 times before cutting off the extra yarn.

DIY Pom-Pom Garland

I slipped the yarn off my fingers and tied the bundle together with another piece of yarn.

DIY Pom-Pom Garland

Once everything was tied together, I cut all the little loops apart on each side.

DIY Pom-Pom Garland

 Then fluffed it up and repeated.

DIY Pom-Pom Garland

To make the garland-y part, all I did was crochet a mega-long string of chain stitches, which I measured against my wall to get the final length.

DIY Pom-Pom Garland

Finally, I laid the whole string out on the ground,laid out my poms where I thought they would look good, and tied them all on with separate little strings.Of course, Kitty appeared to lend his expertise, and I was ever so grateful. If you are a crafter and do not have a helper cat, you should really consider adopting one :]

DIY Pom-Pom Garland

And although it IS a very tempting cat toy, it's still hanging up on my wall! Succeeeeessss~

DIY Pom-Pom Garland

DIY Pom-Pom Garland

At first, I thought, "hey, this is almost Christmas-y" but then I realized that the colors go quite nicely with the magnificent throne of a patterned chair that you see here, so that is really quite satisfying.

DIY Pom-Pom Garland

And it was really just as simple as that! I'm slowly decorating the rest of my apartment, which mean there are a million things in progress, but nothing is done. I'll be sure to share whenever (if ever?) they get finished!

I'm also trying to figure out how else I can use up all of my odds and ends of yarn that I've accumulated. So if you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them!

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